
Long Connections

Zeek normally logs connections at the end of the connection, but this
can cause trouble for incident responders in the case of very long
lived connections that end up being unknown to defenders until too late.

This package provides a new log named `conn_long` which will log
"intermediate" conn logs for long connections. It's logged into a separate log stream to avoid confusing the semantics of the normal Zeek conn log which users can assume only contains "complete"

The script can also generate a `LongConnection::found` notice
whenever it discovers a long connection.


zkg refresh
zkg install zeek/corelight/zeek-long-connections


The durations default to

10min, 30min, 1hr, 12hr, 24hrs, 3days

And can be changed using

redef LongConnection::default_durations = LongConnection::Durations(2min, 10mins, 30mins);

By default after the last duration is reached there will be no further conn_long entries or notices. This can be changed by using

redef LongConnection::repeat_last_duration=T;

If that option is enabled, a duration list of

(2min, 10mins, 30mins)

Will behave like

(2min, 10mins, 30mins, 30mins, 30mins, 30mins, 30mins, ...)

The notices are enabled by default but can be disabled using

redef LongConnection::do_notice=F;

Package Version :