
Zeek PerfSupport

Replaces ScriptFunc top-level bodies Stmts with a Stmt class that diverts execution through a trampoline (minimal JITing) and produces /tmp/perf-<pid>.map files.

Not enabled by default. Run with:

perf record -g zeek -r ./trace.pcap PerfSupport::enable=T


ZEEKPERFSUPPORT=1 perf record -g zeek -r ./trace.pcap

To prefix the functions in the map file "ZEEK:", can redef PerfSupport::prefix="ZEEK:".

There's an artificial _Zeek_PerfSupport_stmt_exec function in the callbacks, filter out with grep ;-)

perf script | grep -v '_Zeek_PerfSupport' | stackcollapse-perf.pl |  flamegraph.pl > flame.svg


Package Version :